
This guide gives an overview of how to use the mefi dapp.

When developing the dapp we kept our focus on simplicity and efficiency, coupled with a clean and professional design on the front end.

How to Borrow

  1. Click 'Connect' in the top right corner of the dapp to connect your MetaMask wallet.

  2. Click 'Supply' next to the desired token (see Supported Tokens) and time frame (see Borrowing Periods).

  3. Input the amount of collateral you would like to provide under '[Token] Balance.'

  4. Click 'Approve.'

  5. Approve the transaction in your MetaMask wallet.

  6. Click 'Supply' and confirm the transaction in your MetaMask.

The smart contract will then supply you with the appropriate amount of ETH based on your collateral's valuation (see Collateral Valuation).

Your loan information, including the token used, the amount of ETH loaned, the amount of ETH owed with interest and how long is left on the borrowing period will be viewable under the 'Your Supplies' section.

How to Repay the Loan

  1. Under 'Your Supplies,' click 'Payback.'

  2. Approve the transaction in your MetaMask wallet.

  3. The smart contract will then automatically deduct the loaned amount of ETH plus interest from your wallet.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must repay the loan before the timer reaches zero, or your collateral will be liquidated (see Liquidation).

Last updated